A Blessing for Our Journey

audio | 3:15 min.on co-creating resonant connections

A Blessing for Our Jouney: On Cocreating Resonant Connections
Maja Apolonia Rodé

On Co-creating Resonant Connections

by Maja Apolonia Rode

May these words be a blessing for 
our journey through this open door. 

May our journey be one of together creating
a sense of connection that we’ve all been waiting
to experience — as a way of life
beyond divisions, beyond the strife. 

Society’s not meant to be so broken.
Just knowing this means we’ve awoken
to a sense of greater possibility
that emerges when both the I and the we
are seen as fundamental foundations
for cocreated loving relations. 

I am myself, and can only become
my full potential when We dance as one
interconnected wholeness alive,
ecologies of love and wisdom inside. 

Let us express who we each are.
Let us each find our place in a world of stars
shining brightly, gravitational fields,
growing spirals, resplendent yields.

Each of us is the very center
of a universe we are called to enter
through the portal of this very place
this, our body-instrument of grace. 

We are the grace that pours itself through
like breath that blows through a cosmic flute.
When I play my notes, I can then hear
how they harmonize with other notes near.
And if they don’t, it might be time
to find other flutes that play like mine. 

We learn as we go, and all we can do 
is keep playing our notes while listening to
the songs that are sounding all around us.
The music we hear will surely astound us
the more we attune to the truth we feel
when-we-know our mind-bodies as whole and real
and bow down deep with reverent hearts
to-the-greater Sum and all the parts. 

Let us bow down deep with reverent hearts
to the greater One and all the parts.

❤ 2023

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