An Open Invitation

600 words | 8 min. audioon writing a poem

An Open Invitation — on writing a poem
Maja Apolonia Rodé

On Writing a Poem

by Maja Apolonia Rodé

How might I go about writing a poem?

I — Dispel the Shadows of Trying

It’s not about writing a great poem. 
It is about how the light and shadows of
sun and breeze and dancing leaves
play upon the paper
right now.

It’s not about a future
where someone says, “I love that poem.”
It is about being inside myself,
full-filling myself
right now.

It’s not about channeling  
some better self than I happen to be.
It is about resting in the pause
when I don’t know what
word comes

It is about realizing
that a real poem only ever grows itself
from a previously unseen seed
cracked open by . . .

a moment of real presence

a moment of authenticity

a moment of humility

a moment of giving up on
the method of trying to say something
— and instead sensing what
there actually is 
to say.

A glimpse 
of a glimmer of realness 
is all it takes to dispel the shadows
of trying.

II —
Invite Beauty To Reveal Herself

And so, what is there to express now?

I’m getting nothing again. 

Is this such a dull occasion that Beauty
doesn’t want to show up
for the party?




Luminous Presence
is the very substance of this moment.
There’s no getting away from it
no matter how hard
I might be 

But I don’t always see Beauty.
How can I open up to it?
Will Beauty show itself if I ask?

The Magnificent Mother of all creation
does whatever she wants, whenever she wants.
She is infinitely capable to take any form 
and express herself directly
in and as that

Beauty does whatever she wants —
and she is always invited
into my creations.

She is why I write.

She is why I sing.

She is why I ask
a question from my heart
to make a seemingly small talk
a tad more real.

I am always inviting Beauty
to reveal herself to me
and to us,
through me,
and through us,
through my creations
and consciously curated words
— like these.

III — An Open Invitation

Is it strange to write a poem
about writing a poem?

Maybe, but
Beauty wants to see Herself
shimmering everywhere.

She wants to emerge
from all Her Hiding Places
inside and out.

She wants to travel into the future
on this river of words
and ask you
the one who is listening or reading now:

What is the poetry of your moment?

Where is the living spark?
Where is the catalyst that connects
the dancing molecules of your experience
into simple threads of meaning
that weave even a whisper
of whatever truth
you see.

This is worth a wholehearted
and humble attempt.

Have you invited your God
into your creation?

Have you beckoned your Muse — 
whatever name you call Her
or Him or It or Yourself?

The Great Spirit




The Flow of Life

Christ Consciousness

Buddha Nature




I Am

Have you kindly requested the presence
of this most Essential Essence at . . .

your Special Event?

your painting?

your song?

your life?

This is the main task:
Extend a sincere and open invitation.

You only need to ask once,
but keep your attention
on that window
where the
in and out.

IV — Trust the Flow

In a poem,
Beauty travels on a river of words
to the Ocean of Seeing behind your eyes
to the Great Sea of Love
within your

Her arrival Here means
She has woven another glistening filament 
into her tapestry of Living Reality.
She has grown a new
in the body of
Her Self-Loving Presence. 

And as she weaves herself into form,
the play of her presence becomes real.
Her gossamer dreams
become Reality. 

Will these simple words be enough?
Will this gentle stream reach the ocean?

I cannot know what these words will mean
or do or how they will feel
to anyone

I can only trust
the what flows forth . . .

from the center of this clear space

from listening deeply now

from transmuting this taste into a song
that springs through and rings true
inside my being.

❤ 2019 | Maja Apolonia Rodé

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