The Healing Mantra

audio | 2:33 minancient mantra for healing body, mind, and soul

For a more deeply healing experience, gently gaze into this mandala while listening. Chant along (words below) if you feel moved. Let the patterns of light and sound reverberate in the cells of your body. This helps loosen stuck energies and harmonize the living patterns of your body, mind, and spirit.

For a more deeply healing experience, gently gaze into this mandala while listening. Chant along (words below) if you feel moved. Let the patterns of light and sound reverberate in the cells of your body. This helps loosen stuck energies and harmonize the living patterns of your body, mind, and spirit.

The Healing Mantra | 2:33 min
Songs of the Heart by Maja Apolonia Rode

Chant along:

Mahamrityunjaya Mantra

Om Try-amba-kam Yaja-mahe
Su-gand-him Pushti-vard-hanam
Urva-ruka-miva Band-hanan
Mrit-yor Muk-shiya Maam-ritat

About this Mantra

The Mahamrityunjaya Mantra is a meditation on the Absolute consciousness that sees through the three states of waking, dreaming, and deep sleep. (Try = three, Ambaka=eye). One of the more potent of the ancient Sanskrit mantras, it is a call for enlightenment and is a practice of liberating the illusions of consciousness. Known also as “The Healing Mantra” it can be offered as a prayer for healing on all levels of being, individual and collective.

I’ve led this mantra a number of times at Adyashanti's retreats over the years. It would happen in the late evening, after-hours toward the end of retreat. The majority of retreat participants (say 100-200 people) would optionally gather for this chant, which we repeated 108 times, per the Hindu tradition. This was such a powerful gathering of collective presence, with each person having their unique experience chanting, listening, receiving. Invariably a few people would approach me after the retreat to let me know how deeply it affected them, some saying it was the highlight of the whole retreat. This ancient technology is powerful stuff, especially when we embody its energy in the act of vocalizing it.

The instrument I use to accompany this chant is one of my Rasa Healing Harps. I call this particular tuning Ananda. This Sanskrit word Ananda is usually translated as “Bliss”. But it’s not the kind of bliss we tend to think of as synonymous with ecstasy. It’s more of a sublime internalized bliss. Like a secret of the soul. I experience its sound like being instantly transported to a meditation hall in the Heart of India.

Rasa Healing Harps are amazing because even people who think they have no musical ability whatsoever are making beautiful, healing, meditative sounds within minutes. Truly. I’m working on a video series about making and playing these wonderful instruments. Contact me for info.

❤ 2009 | Maja Apolonia Rodé

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