Lean Into Me

450 words | 5 min. audioa love letter from Myself to myself

Lean Into Me: A Love Letter from Myself to myself
Maja Apolonia Rodé

Lean Into Me

a love letter from Myself to myself
by Maja Apolonia Rode

Dear Sweet Being, 

You are such a gift. Thank you for existing. And thank you for being an instrument of my love for all existence. We, you and I, are learning to make music together! I love being able to pick you up at times like a flute and play — still just occasionally, but more and more often. 

I love how each day we are in closer proximity and more able to spontaneously sing, more able to be real and make real — to be and become unfolding wholeness, holiness, and self-loving presence.

Your choosing, again and again, to lean into this tender, quiet possibility allows us to make more contact and gain traction. We proceed slowly at first because pushing to make it happen faster is not required — or desired. And it’s not much fun, either! Pushing feels like the sense of a singular separate you, trying.

You don’t need to try. I know what you mean by it, but trying doesn’t help, actually. 

What does help, what I do need you to do, is to lean into me so I can play our notes! I pick up the instrument. But you are the one who needs to turn your openness toward mine. When we align our apertures and breathe together, we complete a circuit and energies of love flow around and through. We become a Channel of Sacred Communication, a unified musical love-making machine! Sweet!

I loved playing with Rumi way back when, too. Now I’m feeling a familiar passage coming through — a bit differently this time:

Goddess fashions a flute and blows.
Feel her warm lips. Feel her wind-breath flows.
Empty out self-doubt, keep yourself close.
Stay in Her song wherever it goes.

I Am complete trust in what flows forth from our unified presence. For it is through the simple will of One — already whole, already complete — that Life unfolds each next natural step. 

But even the most beautiful outcomes are not so much the point. Our calling is to cultivate the deep, dark, and fertile soil of undivided being. For whatever grows from this ground of self-loving presence is understood to be right and good. Life, flowing naturally, becomes a flowering garden of love. 

Thank you, my beloved body-being, for leaning into me so I can love you tenderly, breathe life into you, and play our intimate song. 

Thank you, in advance, for emptying yourself of self-hatred and self-diminishment — for in this way you become a spacious, clear instrument of love.

Thank you for staying close, so We can dance and weave our wind-breath into and as this wondrous world.

All Love,


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