Heart Strings Flowing

450 words | 5 min. audioon weaving community together

Heartstrings Flowing: On Weaving Community Together
Maja Apolonia Rodé

On Weaving Community Together
by Maja Apolonia Rode

Each of us brings to the holy table
the gifts and wounds that make us able
to serve the world in ways unique
to speak the words only we can speak. 

What is your authentic flow
of inspiration that you know?
What flows from you, from within your heart
to make this world a work of art?

This question’s one that we can share. 
Let us call each other to this rare
and sacred opportunity
to cultivate humanity
to be one heart that’s all connected, 
all-pervading, love reflected. 

Each-of-us has a special place
in this world of beauty’s grace. 
But we don’t find our place alone
and-it’s-not a place we can be shown. 
It’s-a-place that we can only discover
bit by bit as we uncover,
new connections of the heart,
where we both see we play a part 
in each other’s life right now
and honor this with a deep bow
of gratitude, appreciation, 
and reverence for all creation. 


Each day I rise and tune my strings
to-the-source of the song that my life sings. 
I play a note and listen, too. 
How does my note sound next to you?
You do the same, and then we’ll find
a harmony of heart and mind. 
And just like waves of sound that heal
our play together makes love real
a soothing balm, reverberating
into the spaces that are waiting. 

The Beautiful emerges from us
when-we-let one source of loving run us
like-a-sacred fuel that moves us truly
from within and always newly. 
This magic happens not through trying
but only when we stop denying
our emptiness and fullness too —
this paradox of staying true. 

When we surrender once again
the goals we want, and want them when —
when we stop right now to see:
What does this moment call from me?
Responding to whatever’s here,
with open hearts we face the fear
and doubt and shame and all that comes
to be welcomed in the one
timeless present consciousness
the open space that loves what is. 


Let’s stop pretending that we’re small
or that we’re anything at all. 
Let’s just be the waters flowing,
nourishing a garden growing
with gratitude that we can be
wellsprings that are flowing free,
each uniquely source connected 
all-together One-directed. 

Thank you for participating 
in this song that I’ve been waiting
to play within a symphony
of instruments tuned into me
just as I’ve been tuning to
the notes that play themselves through you. 

Tuning to the One Source Heart,
honoring each other’s part,
heartstrings connect and we become
an instrument more than our sum. 
Together let us all be played.
We are the One from which we’re made. 

❤ 2023

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